Cullinan directs MDRC’s Multiple Measures Assessment Project, which, in collaboration with the Community College Research Center, is evaluating alternative placement systems that use multiple measures in addition to tests. These new placement methods are being developed to determine whether more students can be placed into courses that are appropriate for their levels. He is also the cost analyst for this project as well as for the Dana Center Math Pathways project, which aims to allow community college students who place into developmental mathematics courses to complete in one academic year a credit-bearing, transferable mathematics course relevant to their future major or career goals. He is data manager and impact analyst on the Text Ed demonstration project, which is evaluating the effectiveness of a low-cost enhancement to Educational Opportunity Center services: a systematic set of text messages that include timely, personalized information concerning college enrollment activities and deadlines, as well as resources for overcoming common barriers to enrollment. Before joining MDRC, Cullinan worked at the Center for Research on Children in the U.S. at the Georgetown Public Policy Institute. He has a master’s degree in economics from Virginia Commonwealth University.