As director of program development, Parise plays a key role in supporting the development of new projects and strategic initiatives across MDRC’s policy areas and centers and oversees MDRC’s grants management and funder relations. Parise is an education research and policy expert, a mixed-methods researcher, and host of MDRC’s Evidence First podcast. Since joining MDRC in 2011, Parise has been a lead researcher on numerous MDRC projects, including large-scale randomized controlled trials, non-experimental studies, and descriptive studies. Most recently, Parise led the implementation research on MDRC’s Evaluation of the P-TECH 9-14 high school model, a career pathway model that begins in high schools and extends into postsecondary education and the workforce. Before joining MDRC, Parise began her career as an elementary school teacher, and she is also the co-founder of Classroom Champions, a nonprofit organization that empowers children to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally through the mentorship and mindset of world-class athletes. Parise holds a B.A. in history and sociology from the University of Pennsylvania and an M.A. in teaching from Pace University; she received her Ph.D. in human development and social policy from Northwestern University.
Other Publications
Spillane, James. P., Leigh M. Parise, and Jennifer Z. Sherer. 2011. “Organizational Routines as Coupling Mechanisms: Policy, School Administration, and the Technical Core.” American Educational Research Journal 48, 3: 586-619.
Parise, Leigh M., and James P. Spillane. 2010. “Teacher Learning and Instructional Change: How Formal and On-the-Job Learning Opportunities Predict Change in Elementary School Teachers’ Practice.” The Elementary School Journal 110, 3: 323-346.
Spillane, James P., Kaleen Healey, and Leigh M. Parise. 2009. “School Leaders’ Formal and Informal Opportunities-to-Learn: A Descriptive Analysis.” Educational Review 61, 4: 407-432.
Mesler, Leigh. 2009. “The Power of Peer Tutoring: Success for a Retained Student.” Teachers College Record 111, 8: 1,894-1,915.
Spillane, James P., Louis Gomez, and Leigh Mesler. 2009. “Notes on Reframing the Role of Organizations in Policy Implementation: Resources for Practice, In Practice.” In Gary Sykes, Barbara Schneider, and David N. Plank (eds.), Handbook of Education Policy. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.