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A Profile fo Women When They Enrolled in MIHOPE

MIHOPE includes pregnant women or women with children under 6 months old who were applying for home visiting services in EHS, HFA, NFP, and PAT local programs. The following graphic highlights characteristics of the 1,652 women who had enrolled in the study in time to be included in the MIHOPE Report to Congress.[1] These are their characteristics at the time that they entered the MIHOPE study, before receiving any home visiting services.[2]


[1] About 4300 women are expected to be included in the final study sample.

[2] The study team continues to enroll families into the study, so there may be some minor changes in these characteristics for families in the final study sample. Note that since the study includes only women who were either expectant or had a child under six months of age when they applied for services, the characteristics of these women might differ somewhat from the total population of women who enroll in services from the Home Visiting Program, which includes women with older infants or toddlers.